A quick and cute interview by Alexis long, From the Heart of a Bibliophile Lair.
Read the original post here.

1. What is your author name?
H. Gorlitz Scott
2. Where can readers follow you? links to where, please
3. Why do you write books?
I started off writing and illustrating my atories as comics, but found that, while cinematic, the medium was hard to get into the characters thoughts and feelings with. It also took to long to create. Novels are better at relaying inner turmoil and feeling while also being faster to finish.
4. Do you have a book banner of your books? if you do please pm it to the blog page
5. What is your favorite book that you have written? link?
So far, Sivoa: Sunrise
6. Do you have any new books coming out? If so what is it? please make sure to have a link for the book
Sivoa: Mourning, a sequel anthology of sorts to Sivoa: Sunrise will be coming out in 2019, with the new year.
7. Do you review other authors books?
8. What would be my one advice you could give to the authors who are just starting out?
Don’t let the “rules” discourage you. Outside of the standard grammatical guidelines, these often seem to be made up on the fly.
9. Are you kind to your readers? Is your pa kind to the readers? *please answer both parts*
I don’t have a PA but if I did, they better be nice to my readers! I do try to be kind to everyone and I think that carries through.
10. What is your favorite genre that you write?
Fantasy and mixed genres. 🙂
11. Do you have book theme stickers that relate to your books? If you do, then do you mind sending me some you can easily pm the blog page
I’m gonna say that I don’t because I’m not entirely sure what they are.
12. How many books have you written?
9 single issue comics, 2 graphics novels, 1 novel, and 1 collection of short stories.
13. Are you running a giveaway right now?
Not yet. Aiming to have one in October.
14. Where do you live at in the world?
Orlando, Australia-lite (Florida)
15. Do you have audio books you want me to review that you have a code for?
Sadly, I do not. :/
16. How many books have you read this year?
12? I don’t count. I just read.
17. What would you do if a reader goes to you saying that your pa was being mean to them and to others?
As I don’t have a PA, that would be me. I’d appreciate the opportunity to clear up any misunderstanding that may have occurred.
18. What is your lucky number? Is their a reason for it?
Number of letters in both my first name and maiden names. 13 because I say so.
19. Do you have a group for people to join?
I do. It’s new and at https://www.facebook.com/groups/510904256032313/
20. How long does it take you to write a book?
Looks like 3 years?
21. Do you have a pet? if so what is their name
Technically no. I had to rehome my cat, Jarvis but I occasionally borrow my housemate’s yorkie, Curly (who I got to name).
22. Do you have any upcoming events?
23. If you said yes to the last question please add the links here
All of my upcoming event can be found at https://www.dragonmun.com/category/events/
24. Are you following my blog page? if not please do